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1983 Beechcraft KING AIR C90.
1983 Beechcraft KING AIR C90
More 1983 Beechcraft King's For Sale, Parts, Repairs, How To Fix, Manuals, Online Store, Videos, Images, Restorations, Shows, Events, Auctions, Classifieds, Clubs, News, Blogs, Forums, Magazines, Die Cast Models
Address: Washington, DC Body Style: Multi Engine Prop
Engine Hours: 3415.7 Airframe Time: 7802
Registration: N6356C
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ONLINE AUCTION - ENDS OCTOBER 16TH. To see full details for this item please go to govdeals .com and enter 685-1828 in the Quick Asset Lookup (QAL) box located on the home page.You will be bidding on a 1983 Beech Aircraft C90-1-King Multi Engine Prop Jet. This aircraft is currently in operation and well maintained by the Medical University of South Carolina (see attached list below just above the pictures for a detailed description). The aircraft was purchased new by MUSC. This property is located at the Columbia Airport in West Columbia, South Carolina. The overall condition of this property is not known by the Surplus Property Office. Bidders are encouraged to inspect the property prior to bidding. Please email to schedule an inspection time.*This item is for pickup only at the Columbia Airport in West Columbia, South Carolina.*PLEASE NOTE: A 5% ADMINISTRATIVE FEE WILL BE CHARGED TO THE WINNING BIDDER.THE AIRCRAFT SALES TAX WILL BE APPLIED TO YOUR STATE OF RESIDENT (SOUTH CAROLINA TAX RATE IS 5% WITH A CAP OF $300.00). THE SALES TAX ON THIS AIRCRAFT WILL BE CAPPED AT $300.00. $0,
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