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AviationLifestyle Search Engine

1962 PIPER Aztec turbo.
1962 PIPER Aztec turbo
More 1962 Piper Aztec's For Sale, Parts, Repairs, How To Fix, Manuals, Online Store, Videos, Images, Restorations, Shows, Events, Auctions, Classifieds, Clubs, News, Blogs, Forums, Magazines, Die Cast Models

Address: Houston, TX Body Style: Multi Engine Prop
Engine Hours: 800 LE, 1900 R Airframe Time: 3600
Propeller Hours: 400 Registration: N5171Y
Optional Features: Equipment: 200 hrs. STOH RE, Ray-jay turbo normalized. Lt-wght starters, powered pneumatic door seal, "E" nose. 6-place O2 forward-mount bottle w/remote knob. Avionics: Garmin 430, Trimble 1000 VFR GPS, KNS-80 RNAV. Trimble connected to #2 VOR display. Slaved HSI, ADF #2 Narco comm. Pilot/co-pilot PTT. Strikefinder. Exterior: Metco tip-tanks 192 gal. Custom paint White, blue, gold Interior: Gray/blue interior
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Photo #0062299A Photo #0062299B
3600 TTAF, 800 SMOH LE, 1900 SMOH RE, turbo-normalized, 3-blade props, tip-tanks, Garmin 430, KNS-80 RNAV, slaved HSI, Strikefinder, O2 system, 5/05 annual. "B" model w/"E" nose, elec. trim. New fuel bladders, new battery, 6-place intercom. one-piece windscreen. Wing-tip and tail strobes
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