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AviationLifestyle Search Engine

1969 CESSNA 337D Super Skymaster.
1969 CESSNA 337D Super Skymaster
More 1969 Cessna 337D's For Sale, Parts, Repairs, How To Fix, Manuals, Online Store, Videos, Images, Restorations, Shows, Events, Auctions, Classifieds, Clubs, News, Blogs, Forums, Magazines, Die Cast Models

Address: Sandpoint, ID Body Style: Multi Engine Prop
Engine Hours: 70 Airframe Time: 2550
Propeller Hours: 28 Registration: N555MD
Optional Features: Equipment: Dual Hydraulic pumps. Automatic propeller synchronizers. Unfeathering System automatic front and rear propeller governors. Ground Service plug. Auxillary Fuel tanks (132 gals) total. High Altitude built in O2 tanks, tanks replaced with new tanks requiring no time certifiaction. 6 ceiling ports built in. tanks pressure certification 10/19/2001. Vertically adjusting front seats. Heated pitot tube. Automatic prop synchonizer. True airspeed indicators. Electrical trim system with control on yoke. Economy mixture indicator. Boom microphone with control outlets rigth and left. GPS connector right pilot side wall. wing tip strobe. belly strobe. wing courtesy light for passenger. Cessna navomatic 400 autopilot with slave to OBS and Lorain OBS. with directional Gyro. Staic Discharge system. New electrical power tow, and wheel locks. Avionics: Dual Narco com 120 (expanded frequencies) Narco Nav 121. narco Nav 122 with glideslope and marker beacons. Narco AT-150 transponder. Narco ADF-141. Narco DME-890 Narco CP136-T Control Panel. David Clark ISOCOM. Ryan WX-10 Strom Scope. BF Goodrich (Foster) loran TSO LRN501. BF Goodrich Discrete Loran OBS TSO. Terra TRI-20 Radar Altimeter. Astroteck Digital Clock and timer. Davtron DVRD Digital Radial readout. Yoke mounted Garmin GPS-195. Davtron Hobbs meter. ELT with voice transmitter. Avoinic digital voice recorder with playback. Encoding altimeter. Certified to 27,000 ft. Exterior: Mid American STOl kit. Cessna Luggage pod. Aluminum Grip Custom Paint, 1995. Red, white and blue. Interior: Six seat configuration with arm rest( new upholstery 98) with headrests. Rust inhibitor treatment interior wings and fuselage. Indirect luminescent rosewood instrument panel. Leather covered control wheels. Replaced plastic window moldings with rosewood inserts. Replaced plastic control panel. Custom leather padded dash panel. Shoulder harness cessna mods front and rear seats. New Black carpet from Cessna. Front seat Stretcher accessory latches.
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Photo #0062331A Photo #0062331B Photo #0062331C Photo #0062331D
T337D S/N# 555MD with STOL, Dual TSIO-360-A Constant Speed Full Feathering propellers. Aircraft Continuously Hangared since repainted. Total time airframe 2550 hours. Front engine 70 hours Western Skyways Rear engine 330 since TOH, 6 new 0 time factory cylinder kits at time TOH with engine crank inspection to specs. Annual date 12/05 New McCally props front 28 hours. Rear 174 hours. Aviontic radar Alt-storm scopes Refurb. Int, indirect lighting & much more.new annual with purchase, Serious inquiries only $50000 obo.
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