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1999 FALCON 2000.
1999 FALCON 2000
More 1999 Falcon 2000's For Sale, Parts, Repairs, How To Fix, Manuals, Online Store, Videos, Images, Restorations, Shows, Events, Auctions, Classifieds, Clubs, News, Blogs, Forums, Magazines, Die Cast Models
Address: South Hackensack, NJ
Exterior Color: Matterhorn white w/custom blue stripes
Engine: CFE738-1-1B Body Style: Jet
Item Class: Jet Serial Number: 73
Reg No: N73FJ AFTT: 4,476
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Photo #0080174A Photo #0080174B Photo #0080174C Photo #0080174D
Photo #0080174E Photo #0080174F Photo #0080174G
Avionics ADF: Dual Collins ADF-462, AFIS: AlliedSignal SATAFIS, Autopilot: Collilns APS-4000, Avionics Package: Collins EFIS-4000 / Pro Line 4, Communication Radios: Dual Collins VHF-422C, CVR: AlliedSignal SSCVR, DME: Dual Collins DME-442, EFIS: Collins EFIS-4000 3-tube w/electronic checklist, FDR: FDR provisions, Flight Director: Collins EFIS-4000, Flight Phone: MagnaStar C-2000 w/triple handsets, FMS: Dual Honeywell FMZ-2000 w 5.1 software & GPS, Hi Frequency: Dual Collins HF-9000 w/Coltech dual-channel SELCAL, IRS: Dual Honeywell LASEREF III, Navigation Radios: Dual Collins VIR-432, Radar Altimeter: Dual Collins ALT-55B, SATCOM: Honeywell MCS-6000 6-channel, TAWS: AlliedSignal EGPWS w/windshear & terrain display, TCAS: Collins TCAS-94, Transponder: Dual Collins TDR-94D, Weather Radar: Collins TWR-850 color, Addl Cockpit Equipment, General: AlliedSignal EGPWS w/windshear, Honeywell MCS-6000 6-channel SATCOM, Flight Dynamics HGS-2850 heads-up display, Sextant engine indication electronic display, dual Collins ADC-850C air data computers, General: 3-frequency ELT, dual Davtron digital clocks Equipment, Lights: DeVore recognition Exterior, Colors: Matterhorn white w/custom blue stripes Interior, Accessories: Satin bronze metal plating, bone & beige fabric window panels, Business Equipment: Fax & data ports, Cabinetry: Figured cedar wood veneer cabinetry w/light mahogany hardwood moldings, aft credenza, Carpet: Brown multi-tone cut-pile & loop-pile carpeting, Entertainment Equipment: Audio International entertainment package, Airshow Genesys w/cockpit display, dual Baker 14-inch flat-screen LCD monitors, Headliner: Milkweed ultraleather headliner, Lavatory: Aft fully-enclosed, Refreshment Equipment: Custom 46-inch galley, Seating: Forward 4-place Buffalo Bill leather club seats, aft 4-place handloom-colored fabric dining group, ERDA third flight deck seat, Sidewalls: Beige silk & brown leather lower sidewalls Maintenance, Inspection: RVSM certified. 2B inspection due at 6015TT. AlliedSignal APU Hot Section inspection c/w 05/08. 4A+ inspection c/w 05/08. C & 2C inspections c/w 02/11. Landing Gear overhauled 02/11., Inspection: Engine Hot Section inspections due at LE/RE: 6798TT / 6647TT. Engine overhauls due at LE/RE: 9298TT / 9147TT. Aircraft Features Auxiliary Power Unit, CAMP (Computerized Aircraft Maintenance Tracking Program), Cockpit Voice Recorder, Electronic Flight Instrumentation System (EFIS), Engine Maintenance Program, Heads-Up Display, Inertial Reference System, RVSM, SATCOM, Single-Point Refueling, Terrain Awareness and Warning System, Thrust Reversers, Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS), Windshear Detection Equipment,
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