1996 FALCON 2000
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Address: South Hackensack, NJ | |
Exterior Color: Matterhorn white w/blue, red, gray & silver |
Engine: CFE738-1-1B | |
Body Style: Jet | |
Item Class: Jet | |
Serial Number: 25 | |
Reg No: N25FJ | |
AFTT: 6,701 | |
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Avionics ADF: Dual Collins ADF-462, AFIS: None, Autopilot: Collins APS-4000, Avionics Package: Collins EFIS-4000 4-tube / Pro Line 4, Communication Radios: Dual Collins VHF-422C w/8.33 MHz spacing, Compass: Collins AHS-85E AHRS, CVR: Loral A100S, DME: Dual Collins DME-442, EFIS: Collins EFIS-4000 4-tube, Flight Director: Collins EFIS-4000 4-tube, Flight Phone: MagnaStar C-2000 w/dual handsets, FMS: Dual Universal UNS-1M w/GPS, Hi Frequency: Dual Bendix/King KTR-953 w/Avtec SELCAL, IRS: Dual Honeywell LASEREF III, Navigation Radios: Dual Collins VIR-432 w/FM immunity, Radar Altimeter: Collins ALT-55B, SATCOM: AirCell ST-3100 Iridium w/cordless handset, TAWS: AlliedSignal Mark V EGPWS, TCAS: Collins TTR-920 TCAS-II w/change 7, Transponder: Dual Collins TDR-94D Mode S w/enhanced surveillance flight ID, Weather Radar: Collins RTA-858, Addl Cockpit Equipment, General: AlliedSignal Mark V EGPWS, AirCell ST-3100 Iridium SATCOM w/cordless handset, 406 MHz ELT, standby horizon, dual Collins RTU-4020 radio displays, cabin temperature indication w/remote temperature control, General: Davtron clock Equipment, General: Gross weight increase mod, Securaplane emergency battery system, dual rechargeable flashlight stations, Baker M2061B cabin PA chime system, 115-volt/60 Hz power inverter, 115 cubic foot oxygen bottle, automatic load shedding, Lights: Logo, service & baggage Exterior, Colors: Matterhorn white w/blue, red, gray & silver Interior, Cabinetry: Natural walnut woodwork w/dark stain, Carpet: Loden green carpeting w/tan accents, Entertainment Equipment: Eclipse CD/stereo, Airshow 400, forward & aft LCD monitors, General: New interior soft goods installed 10/02 by Dassault, Little Rock, AR, Lavatory: Aft, Refreshment Equipment: Forward galley w/coffeemaker & TIA high-temperature oven, Seating: Tan leather seating, forward 4-place club, aft 4-place dining group opposite single seat, Sidewalls: Taupe leather lower sidewalls, Storage: Aft low profile storage cabinet, inflight accessible baggage compartment Maintenance, Inspection: RVSM, MNPS. A, 2A, 3A, 4A, A+, 2A+, 4A+ & C inspections c/w 09/25/08 at 6582TT. 2B inspections c/w 01/15/07 at 5849TT. 3B inspection c/w 04/01/04 at 4439TT., Inspection: 2C inspection c/w 09/27/08. Engine Hot Section inspections due at LE/RE: 7219TT / 7219TT. Engine Overhauls due at LE/RE: 7801TT / 7801TT. One corporate owner since new., Inspection: B inspection due at 7449TT. C & 3C inspections due 09/14. Landing gear overhaul due 09/20. Aircraft Features 8.33 channel spacing, Auxiliary Power Unit, Cockpit Voice Recorder, Electronic Flight Instrumentation System (EFIS), Engine Maintenance Program, FM immunity, Inertial Reference System, RVSM, SATCOM, Single-Point Refueling, Terrain Awareness and Warning System, Thrust Reversers, Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS), Windshear Detection Equipment,
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