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More 1995 Gulfstream G-Ivsp's For Sale, Parts, Repairs, How To Fix, Manuals, Online Store, Videos, Images, Restorations, Shows, Events, Auctions, Classifieds, Clubs, News, Blogs, Forums, Magazines, Die Cast Models

$10,995,000.00 $US
Address: Guilford, CT Engine: Tay MK 611-8
Body Style: Jet Item Class: Jet
Serial Number: IV-1267 Reg No: N624GJ
AFTT: 6,209
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Photo #0080284A Photo #0080284B Photo #0080284C Photo #0080284D
Photo #0080284E Photo #0080284F
Avionics ADF: Dual Collins ADF-462, AFIS: AlliedSignal AFIS, Avionics Package: Honeywell SPZ-8400 EFIS / Pro Line 4, Communication Radios: Triple Collins VHF-422B w/8.33 spacing, CVR: Fairchild A100, DME: Dual Collins DME-442, EFIS: Honeywell SPZ-8400, FDR: Fairchild A100, Flight Director: Honeywell SPZ-8400 EFIS, Flight Phone: MagnaStar C-2000, FMS: Dual Honeywell FMZ-800 w/dual GPS, FMS: Dual Honeywell NZ-2000 w/5.2 software, Hi Frequency: Dual Collins HF-9000 w/SELCAL, IRS: Triple Honeywell LASEREF, Navigation Radios: Dual Collins VIR-432, Radar Altimeter: Dual Honeywell AA-300, SATCOM: Honeywell MCS-3000, TAWS: Honeywell Mark V EGPWS w/windshear detection, TCAS: Honeywell TCAS-II w/change 7, Transponder: Dual Collins TDR-94D Mode S & ELS, Weather Radar: Sperry Primus 870 color, Addl Cockpit Equipment, Crew Accessories: Cockpit printer, General: Honeywell Mark V EGPWS w/windshear detection, Honeywell MCS-3000 SATCOM, AlliedSignal AFIS, Artex 3-frequency ELT, Honeywell LASERTRAK, Honeywell DL-900 data loader, General: Rosemount ice detector, enhanced surveillance, radio master switch, ground service bus Equipment, General: Securaplane security, four spare high frequency fiber optics, Lights: Precise Pulselites Exterior, General: Exterior is in excellent condition as reported 09/17/08 Interior, Accessories: Emergency escape floor path lighting, galley interphone, mid-cabin acoustical curtain, Business Equipment: Omnifax G5 fax machine, Cabinetry: Aft RS credenza, Carpet: New carpeting installed 05/07, Entertainment Equipment: Airshow 400, Flight Display Systems DVD & 10-disc CD player, stereo control, dual 14.2-inch video monitors, General: Original interior as reported 01/06/11, Headliner: New headliner installed 05/07, Lavatory: Aft private, Refreshment Equipment: Aft full-service galley w/dual-pot coffee machine, microwave oven, hot cup & hot oven, cold storage compartment, Seating: Leather seating reconditioned 05/07, forward 4-place club, mid-cabin 4-place club, aft 4-place conference/dining group, Storage: Walk-in baggage area Maintenance, Inspection: RVSM compliant. Honeywell Avionics Protection Plan. 24/36/48/72/144-Month inspections c/w 07/07. WEIGHTS (lbs.): EMPTY 49000, RAMP 75000, LANDING 6600, MGTOW 74600. Aircraft Features 8.33 channel spacing, Auxiliary Power Unit, Cockpit Voice Recorder, Flight Data Recorder, Gulfstream Computerized Maintenance Program (G-CMP), RVSM, SATCOM, Terrain Awareness and Warning System, Thrust Reversers, Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS), Windshear Detection Equipment,
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