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AviationLifestyle Search Engine

More 1976 Bellanca 8-Kcab's For Sale, Parts, Repairs, How To Fix, Manuals, Online Store, Videos, Images, Restorations, Shows, Events, Auctions, Classifieds, Clubs, News, Blogs, Forums, Magazines, Die Cast Models

Address: Xenia, OH Body Style: Single Engine Prop
Engine Hours: 175 Airframe Time: 940
Registration: N70JW
Optional Features: Equipment: Constant speed prop, single navcom, transponder, 5-point harnesses, inertia reels, Christen inverted oil, inverted fuel, Scott tail wheel, strobes, accelerometer, emergency fuel pump, electric turn & bank, stall warning, Tanis pre-heat, spades, rear seat heat, greenhouse, CHT and EGT, always hangered, never damaged, 07/05 annual, computer printout of all ADs Avionics: Single navcom, Loran, altitude encoding xponder, intercom Exterior: Red, white, blue starburst Interior: Custom "Firebird" pattern
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Photo #0062354A Photo #0062354B Photo #0062354C Photo #0062354D
Photo #0062354E Photo #0062354F
1976 BELLANCA 8-KCAB, Constant speed prop, single navcom, transponder, 5-point harnesses, inertia reels, Christen inverted oil, inverted fuel, Scott tail wheel, strobes, accelerometer, emergency fuel pump, electric turn & bank, stall warning, Tanis pre-heat, spades, rear seat heat, greenhouse, CHT and EGT, always hangered, NDH, 07/05 annual, computer printout of all ADs
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