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1973 KING AIR E90.
1973 KING AIR E90
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$1,295,000.00 $US
Address: Sarasota, FL
Exterior Color: White w/dark blue, silver & red accent stripes
Engine: TPE331-10AV-511KA Body Style: TurboProp
Item Class: TurboProp Serial Number: LW-59
Reg No: N290KA AFTT: 9,121
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Photo #0079916A Photo #0079916B Photo #0079916C Photo #0079916D
Photo #0079916E Photo #0079916F Photo #0079916G Photo #0079916H
Avionics Altimeter: Chelton, Autopilot: S-TEC System 65 w/altitude preselector, Avionics Package: Garmin G600 / Garmin, Communication Radios: Garmin GNS-530W & GNS-430W w/8.33 Hz spacing, Compass: Dual Collins PN-101, DME: King KN-62A, EFIS: Chelton Flight Logic 2-tube, Flight Director: Garmin G600, GPS: Garmin GNS-530W & GNS-430W, HSI: EHSI, Navigation Radios: Garmin GNS-530W& GNS-430W, Radar Altimeter: Chelton, RMI: King, Stormscope: BFGoodrich WX-500, TAWS: Garmin GNS-530 EGPWS, Transponder: Garmin GTX-330 Mode S w/TIS / King KT-79, Weather Radar: Garmin GWX-68VP color, Addl Cockpit Equipment, General: Garmin GNS-530 EGPWS, Shadin DigiData air data computer, Garmin GMA-340 audio panel, Garmin GDL-69 w/XM satellite weather, TIS, Garmin GMX-200 multi-function display, General: NEXRAD radar display, Shadin AMS-2000 altitude management system Equipment, General: Kilo Alpha 290 conversion w/McCauley BlackMac 5-blade props, National Flights sootless exhaust stacks, Goodyear custom tires, super soundproofing, improved static wick system, fresh air exhaust soot reduction system, Modification: Raisbeck dual aft body strakes & nacelle wing lockers Exterior, Colors: White w/dark blue, silver & red accent stripes Interior, Accessories: Aft wood divider, forward curtain divider, Cabinetry: Mahogany finished cabinetry, dual writing tables, Carpet: Taupe wool carpeting w/runner, Entertainment Equipment: DVD/CD system w/dual monitors, General: Light buff leather interior, Headliner: Light buff headliner, Lavatory: Aft potty, Refreshment Equipment: Forward RS refreshment center w/MAPCO & ice storage, Seating: Standard club configuration upholstered in buff leather, belted lav seat, Sidewalls: Burgundy patterned fabric sidewalls Maintenance, Inspection: WEIGHTS (lbs.): RAMP 10160, EMPTY 6691, USEFUL LOAD 3469, MGTOW 10100, FUEL 3176. FUEL CAPACITY 474 U.S. gallons., Inspection: National Flight Alpha Kilo 290 conversion in 2002. Phase 4 inspection c/w 12/10. Phase 1 - 3 inspections are current as reported 08/07/09. Phase 3 inspection c/w 11/07 at 8946TT by Cheyenne Air., Inspection: 150/200/300/400/900-Hour Engine inspections c/w 11/07 by Cheyenne Air. Prop overhauls due 2011. Complete logbooks. Always hangared. Aircraft Features Global Positioning System, Raisbeck Mods,
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