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2001 LEARJET 45.
2001 LEARJET 45
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$3,500,000.00 $US
Address: Sarasota, FL
Exterior Color: Matterhorn white w/black & silver stripes
Engine: TFE731-20AR-1B Body Style: Jet
Serial Number: 45-138 Reg No: G-SOVB
AFTT: 4,435
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Photo #0079932A Photo #0079932B Photo #0079932C Photo #0079932D
Photo #0079932E Photo #0079932F Photo #0079932G
Avionics ADF: Dual Honeywell RNZ-851, Autopilot: Honeywell Primus 1000 IFCS, Avionics Package: Honeywell Primus 1000 IFCS / Primus II, Communication Radios: Dual Honeywell RCZ-833 w/8.33 kHz spacing, Compass: Dual Honeywell AHZ-800 AHRS, CVR: AlliedSignal CVR (120-minute), DME: Dual Honeywell RNZ-851, EFIS: Honeywell Primus 1000 4-tube 8x7-inch, FDR: AlliedSignal FA2100 (25-hours), Flight Director: Honeywell Primus 1000 IFCS, FMS: Dual Universal UNS-1C w/GPS, Hi Frequency: AlliedSignal KHF-950 w/SELCAL, Navigation Radios: Dual Honeywell RNZ-851 w/FM immunity, Radar Altimeter: Honeywell RT-300, TAWS: AlliedSignal EGPWS w/windshear detection, TCAS: AlliedSignal CAS-67 TCAS-II w/change 7, Transponder: Dual Honeywell RCZ-833, Weather Radar: Honeywell Primus 880, Addl Cockpit Equipment, Crew Accessories: Lighted chart holders, General: AlliedSignal EGPWS w/windshear detection, EICAS, dual Honeywell IC-600 integrated avionics computers, dual Honeywell DA-800 dual-channel data acquisition units, dual Honeywell AZ-850 micro air data computers, General: Dual Honeywell radio management units, 2-inch backup instruments, Artex ELT 110-406 (tri-band), dual angle of attack indicators, Hobbs meter, second high frequency provisions Equipment, General: 230-volt AC inverter, remote oxygen servicing provisions, EASA steep approach mod, HIRF shielding, Lights: Pulse recognition, logo Exterior, Colors: Matterhorn white w/black & silver stripes, General: Matterhorn white w/dual black stripes & single silver stripe Interior, Accessories: Four electrical outlets, floor emergency escape path lighting, Cabinetry: Medium walnut veneer cabinetry, dual forward foldout tables, aft individual foldout table, Carpet: New dark blue carpeting installed by BAS, BDL 04/06, Entertainment Equipment: Forward & aft 10.4-inch monitors, DVD/CD player, CD changer, Airshow 400, Lavatory: Aft, Refreshment Equipment: Hirco hot liquid container, Seating: Fireblocked medium gray leather seating, four forward club chairs, four aft club chairs, belted lav seat Maintenance, Inspection: RVSM equipped. EASA/JAR Ops certified. WEIGHTS (lbs.): MGTOW 21500, RAMP 21750, LANDING 19200, EMPTY 13652, BOW 13618. Aircraft Features 8.33 channel spacing, Airframe Maintenance Program, Auxiliary Power Unit, Cockpit Voice Recorder, Dual Flight Management Systems, ELT (Emergency Locator Transmitter), Engine Maintenance Program, Flight Data Recorder, FM immunity, Primus II Integrated Radio Package, RVSM, Terrain Awareness and Warning System, Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS),
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