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$800,000.00 $US
Address: Sarasota, FL
Exterior Color: White upper, tan lower w/teal & charcoal accents
Engine: JT15D-1A Body Style: Jet
Item Class: Jet Serial Number: 501-0134
Reg No: N841CW AFTT: 6,118
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Photo #0079969A Photo #0079969B Photo #0079969C Photo #0079969D
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Avionics ADF: Yes, Altimeter: Dual, Autopilot: Sperry SPZ-500 IFCS w/yaw damper, Avionics Package: Sperry SPZ-500 IFCS / Pro Line II, Communication Radios: Dual Collins VHF-22A, DME: Dual Foster DME-670 w/dual IN-602 indicators, Flight Director: Sperry SPZ-500 IFCS 5-inch, GPS: Garmin GPS-500, HSI: Sandel SN-3308 5-inch, Navigation Radios: Dual Collins VIR-32, RMI: Yes, SATCOM: Iridium, Stormscope: BFGoodrich WX-500, TAWS: Garmin GPS-500 Class B, TCAS: Avidyne TAS-620, Transponder: Dual, Weather Radar: Bendix/King ART-2000, Addl Cockpit Equipment, Crew Accessories: Dual Bose X headsets w/interface plugs, Rosen monorail sunvisors, glareshield annunciation panel mod, General: Garmin GPS-500 Class B TAWS, Iridium SATCOM, Sperry AD-650 ADI, fuel flow & quantity indicators, oil temperature/pressure indicators, angle of attack indicator, dual T&B indicators, IVSI indicators, General: Shadin air data computers, standby gyro & Jet Pack, attitude gyro, vertical gyro, N1, N2 & ITT indicators, rudder actuator, yoke-mounted landing gear mute switch, flap potentiometer, General: Collins CAD-62, dual audio amplifier boxes, Sandel nav display, Bendix/King IN-182A, Sperry RI-106, copilot main landing gear uplock switch, yoke electric trim switch, 2-inch standby attitude indicator, General: Yoke actuator switch, autopilot/trim disconnect switch, pitch synch switch, pre-flight inspection sight gauges, dual Cessna audio panels, full copilot instruments w/HSI, Artex ELT, airspeed indicators, General: Avidyne EX500 multi-function display, XM weather, OAT indicator, Davtron M877 clock Equipment, General: Sierra radome mod, BFGoodrich wheels & brakes, Flight Environmental Inc. soundproofing, zero fuel weight increase mod, LS & RS outflow valves, windshield bleed air valve, nose strut fork, shimmy damper, General: Tail de-ice boots, wing de-ice solenoid relay, LS & RS throttle cables, LS & RS N1 tachometer generators, flap gear box assembly, auto temperature motor, crossfeed time delay relay, dual AC inverters, cabin door pins, air conditioner compressor, condensor, duct & expansion valve, electric trim motor, General: Sierra power-lift nose baggage door extenders, engine fan/turbine synch, Concorde lead acid battery, copilot side windshield, pilot's inner side windshield, main landing gear hydraulic hoses, Lights: Recognition, strobes, beacon, landing, taxi Exterior, Colors: White upper, tan lower w/teal & charcoal accents Interior, Air Conditioning: Freon, Carpet: Brown carpeting installed 03/06, Refreshment Equipment: Galley, Seating: Gray doe leather seating, dual aft-facing seats, 4-place club, gray doe leather sheepskin-covered crew seats Maintenance, Inspection: RVSM approved. Left engine is a model JT15-1A; right engine is a model JT15-1B. Phase 1 - 4 inspections c/w 06/10. Phase 5 inspection c/w 12/09; due 12/12. Always U.S. registered., Inspection: Always maintained on CESCOM. Complete logbooks. WEIGHTS (lbs.): ZFW 9500. Aircraft Features CESCOM (Cessna Computerized Maintenance Tracking Program), Engine Maintenance Program, Freon Air Conditioning, RVSM, SATCOM, Terrain Awareness and Warning System,
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