1988 FALCON 900B
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Address: South Hackensack, NJ | |
Exterior Color: White w/blue stripes |
Engine: TFE731-5BR-1C | |
Body Style: Jet | |
Item Class: Jet | |
Serial Number: 900-54 | |
Reg No: N954FJ | |
AFTT: 13,055 | |
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Avionics ADF: Dual Collins ADF-60B, Autopilot: Honeywell SPZ-800 IFCS, Avionics Package: Honeywell SPZ-800 IFCS / Collins Pro Line II, Communication Radios: Triple Collins VHF-22D w/8.33 MHz spacing, CVR: AlliedSignal CVR (120-minute), DME: Dual Collins DME-42, FDR: AlliedSignal SSFDR (21-parameters), Flight Director: Honeywell SPZ-800 IFCS, FMS: Dual Honeywell NZ-2000 w/5.2 software & dual HG-2021 GPS, Hi Frequency: Dual Collins HF-9000, IRS: Triple Honeywell LASEREF II, Navigation Radios: Dual Collins VIR-32 w/FM immunity, Radar Altimeter: Dual Sperry RT-300, SATCOM: Honeywell MCS-3000 w/fax, TAWS: Honeywell Mark V EGPWS, TCAS: Honeywell TCAS-2000, Transponder: Dual Collins TDR-94D Mode S w/enhanced surveillance, Weather Radar: Sperry Primus 870 color, Addl Cockpit Equipment, General: Honeywell Mark V EGPWS, Honeywell MCS-3000 w/fax SATCOM, N1-DEEC, Elta 3-frequency 406 ELT, CTS solid state quick access recorder w/PCMCIA card Equipment, General: Telescopic tow bar Exterior, Colors: White w/blue stripes Interior, Cabinetry: Mid-cabin dining table, Entertainment Equipment: Airshow 410, dual DVD players, CD/MP3 player w/6-disc CD changer, eight 8.4-inch plug-in LCD monitors, forward 15-inch LCD monitor, mid-cabin 15-inch plug-in LCD monitor, aft 17-inch LCD monitor, Lavatory: Forward crew & aft, Refreshment Equipment: Magimix nespresso coffee machine, hot cup, TIA microwave, TIA oven, four Atlas containers, Seating: Four forward single seats, dual mid-cabin double seats, dual aft single seats, aft 3-place sofa Maintenance, Inspection: RVSM, B-RNAV, NAT-MNPS, CAT-II. C inspection due 12/12. Landing Gear overhaul due 07/11. Engine MPI's due at 1/2/3: 12026TT / 12161TT / 13212TT. Engine CZI's due 1/2/3: 14526TT / 14664TT / 15712TT. Aircraft Features 8.33 channel spacing, Auxiliary Power Unit, CAMP (Computerized Aircraft Maintenance Tracking Program), Cockpit Voice Recorder, ELT (Emergency Locator Transmitter), Engine Maintenance Program, Flight Data Recorder, FM immunity, Forward Crew Lav, RVSM, SATCOM, Terrain Awareness and Warning System, Thrust Reversers, Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS),
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