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2007 FALCON 900DX.
2007 FALCON 900DX
More 2007 Falcon 900Dx's For Sale, Parts, Repairs, How To Fix, Manuals, Online Store, Videos, Images, Restorations, Shows, Events, Auctions, Classifieds, Clubs, News, Blogs, Forums, Magazines, Die Cast Models
Address: South Hackensack, NJ
Exterior Color: White w/red waved stripes
Engine: TFE731-60 Body Style: Jet
Item Class: Jet Serial Number: 900DX-616
Reg No: F-HATB AFTT: 646
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Photo #0080167A Photo #0080167B Photo #0080167C Photo #0080167D
Photo #0080167E Photo #0080167F
Avionics ADF: Dual Honeywell DF-855, Autopilot: Honeywell EASy IFCS, Avionics Package: Honeywell EASy IFCS / Primus II, Communication Radios: Triple Honeywell TR-866B, CVR: Honeywell SSCVR (120-minute), EFIS: Honeywell Primus 2000, FDR: Honeywell SSFDR, Flight Director: Honeywell EASy IFCS, FMS: Triple Honeywell EASy w/dual Honeywell GPS, Hi Frequency: Dual Collins HF-9000, IRS: Triple Honeywell LASEREF V, Radar Altimeter: Dual Honeywell RT-300, SATCOM: AirCell ST-3100 Iridium w/dual cordless headsets, TAWS: Honeywell EGPWS w/windshear, TCAS: ACSS TCAS-3000, Transponder: Dual Honeywell XS-857A Mode S, Weather Radar: Honeywell Primus 880, Addl Cockpit Equipment, Crew Accessories: Flight deck printer, electronic Jeppesen charts, General: Honeywell EGPWS w/windshear, EASy cockpit, AirCell ST-3100 Iridium SATCOM w/dual cordless headsets, Elta ADT-406 (5FAA 1JAA), triple Honeywell AV-900 flight deck audio, Honeywell data acquisition unit, General: Lightning sensors Equipment, General: Goodrich ice detectors, dual belly & single fin SecuraPlane video cameras, 115 cubic foot enlarged oxygen bottle, dual 12-man life rafts w/406 MHz ELT's, Lights: Service, Teleflex recognition Exterior, Colors: White w/red waved stripes Interior, Accessories: 24-karat gold polished metal plating, forward club group w/pneumatic leg rests, galley pocket door, mid-cabin tracking curtain, 115-volt AC/60 Hz outlets, Cabinetry: Elm burlwood veneer, credenza, electrical table, Carpet: Custom designed cream carpeting, Entertainment Equipment: Airshow 410, Audio International multi-standard dual DVD, dual 20-inch LCD monitors, eight 8.4-inch Rosen LCD monitors & eight receptacles, dual MP3 & dual iPod audio interfaces, CD player, General: Rounded look interior, Headliner: Chablis headliner, Lavatory: Forward & aft, Refreshment Equipment: Galley w/Essenza coffee machine, TIA high-temperature oven, TIA microwave, Seating: Forward 4-place tan leather club, tan leather dining group, dual 3-place tan fabric sofas (10-inch electrically berthable), tan leather Erda jumpseat Maintenance, Inspection: First C Check due 11/13. Aircraft Features CAMP (Computerized Aircraft Maintenance Tracking Program), Cockpit Voice Recorder, Engine Maintenance Program, Enhanced Avionics System (EASy), Flight Data Recorder, RVSM, SATCOM, Terrain Awareness and Warning System, Third Flight Management System, Third Inertial Reference System, Thrust Reversers, Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS),
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