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$1,295,000.00 $US
Address: Georgetown, TX
Exterior Color: White w/gold & black stripes
Engine: TFE731-3C-100S Body Style: Jet
Item Class: Jet Serial Number: 650-0055
Reg No: N652CV AFTT: 8,370
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Photo #0080303A Photo #0080303B Photo #0080303C Photo #0080303D
Photo #0080303E Photo #0080303F Photo #0080303G
Avionics ADF: Dual Collins ADF-60, Autopilot: Sperry SPZ-650 IFCS, Avionics Package: Dual Sperry SPZ-650 IFCS / Garmin, Communication Radios: Garmin GNS-530 & GNS-430, Compass: Vertical card, CVR: Fairchild GA100, DME: Dual Collins DME-40, Flight Director: Dual Sperry SPZ-650 IFCS, Flight Phone: Wulfsberg IV, FMS: Dual Garmin FMS, GPS: Garmin GNS-530 & GNS-430, Hi Frequency: Dual King KHF-950 w/SELCAL, Navigation Radios: Garmin GNS-530 & GNS-430, Stormscope: BFGoodrich WX-950, TAWS: King KMH-980 EGPWS, TCAS: King KTA-970 TCAS-I, Transponder: Dual Garmin GTX-330 Mode S, Weather Radar: King ART-2000VP color, Addl Cockpit Equipment, General: King KMH-980 EGPWS, Artex C406-2 ELT, Sunstrand GPS antenna Equipment, General: Thrust reversers, engine fan/turbine synch, Wemac boost, Hamilton standard ACM, 76 cubic foot oxygen system w/EROS masks, cabin flood cooling, fixed doorstep mod, anti-skid brakes, dual Concorde lead acid batteries, super soundproofing, life preservers/life rafts Exterior, Colors: White w/gold & black stripes Interior, Accessories: Aft lav w/running water, vanity & closet, adjustable LED upwash & downwash lighting, reading lights, MSA electric window shades w/remote master controls, Air Conditioning: Freon, Cabinetry: African waterfall babinga exotic wood cabinetry, Entertainment Equipment: Airshow 400, DVD player, Koss 200 cabin audio system, forward & aft ceiling-mounted displays, General: Tan leather interior, Headliner: Ultraleather headliner w/accents, Lavatory: Aft potty, Refreshment Equipment: Mini galley w/microwave, ice drawer, beverage storage & snack storage, Seating: Leather seating, forward 4-place side-facing divan opposite single club, 4-place club, belted lav seat, Sidewalls: Ultraleather sidewalls, Storage: Forward underseat storage Maintenance, Inspection: RVSM. PATS APU w/4680 CSN as reported 02/12/10. WEIGHTS (lbs.): MGTOW 21500. Aircraft Features Auxiliary Power Unit, CESCOM (Cessna Computerized Maintenance Tracking Program), Engine Maintenance Program, RVSM, Terrain Awareness and Warning System, Thrust Reversers, Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS),
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