2007 FALCON 2000EX EASy
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$23,750,000.00 $US
Address: Guilford, CT | |
Exterior Color: White w/purple, green, blue & gray |
Engine: PW308C | |
Body Style: Jet | |
Item Class: Jet | |
Serial Number: 2000EX-142 | |
Reg No: N100KP | |
AFTT: 796 | |
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Avionics ADF: Dual Honeywell DF-855, Autopilot: Honeywel EASy IFCS, Avionics Package: Honeywel EASy IFCS / Honeywell, Communication Radios: Dual Honeywell TR-866B, CVR: Honeywell SSCVR (120-minute), DME: Dual Honeywell DM-855, EFIS: Honeywel EASy 4-tube w/track & ball control, Flight Director: Honeywel EASy IFCS, Flight Phone: Iridium AirCell Axxess II w/triple handsets, FMS: Dual Honeywell EASy, GPS: Dual Honeywell GPS, Hi Frequency: Dual Collins HF-9000 w/Honeywell SECAL, IRS: Triple Honeywell LASEREF V, Radar Altimeter: Honeywell RT-300, Stormscope: Honeywell LSS-860, TAWS: Honeywell EASy EGPWS w/windshear, TCAS: Honeywel TCAS-2000 w/change 7, Transponder: Dual Honeywell XS-857A Mode S w/enhanced surveillance, Weather Radar: Honeywell Primus 880, Addl Cockpit Equipment, General: Honeywell EASy EGPWS w/windshear, optional third Honeywell TR-866B for voice & AFIS datalink, triple micro-inertial reference units, optional third Honeywell EASy FMS, 406 ELT, Meggitt MK2 seconday flight display, General: Honeywell intercom system, Honeywell uplink graphical weather, Honeywell EASy communications management function w/AFIS capability, Jeppesen electronic terminal charts, Jeppesen electronic termical charts, General: Data acquisition & central maintenance computer module, third Honeywell AV-900 flight deck audio Equipment, General: Auto throttle. Securaplane XL-245 standby lead acid battery, external-servicing water system, Winslow 9-person life rafts w/storage provisions, therapeutic oxygen system w/mask & outlet, 115-cubic foot enlarge oxygen bottle, dual optional Concorde 42-amp/hour lead acid batteries, vertical fintip radome, General: Crash axe w/storage, Lights: Teleflex recognition logo, LED wingtip navigation Exterior, Colors: White w/purple, green, blue & gray, General: Matterhorn white w/gloss purple, gloss light green, gloss blue & gloss gray Interior, Accessories: Remote cabin temperature control, triple 115-volt AC 60 Hz power outlets, galley pocket/sliding door, optional EMTEQ 4000K LED indirect cabin, reading, table, closet, lav & third crew seat lighting, satin nickel plating, Accessories: Customer wood veneer side ledge, customer marquetry table inlay, customer side ledge w/trim strips, Cabinetry: Mahogany veneer cabinetry w/custom marquetry inlay, dining & console tables, LS dining table, coffee table, Entertainment Equipment: Direct 6-channel satellite TV w/Honeywell ONEVIEW AIS-200, Honeywell MHL entertainmentt controls w/10 Sony wireless headsets, forward bulkhead Honeywell 20-inch LCD monitor, eight Rosen LCD plug-in receptacles, Entertainment Equipment: Six 8.4-inch LCD monitors, dual Honeywell DVD/CD players, auxiliary audio/NTSC video interface, dual MHR infrared remote controls, Honeywell Jetmap II-XGA/NTSC display, General: Earthtone interior, Headliner: Chablis 5222 headliner, Refreshment Equipment: Forward RS 15-inch galley annex, RS 46-inch galley/bar cabinet w/Enflight high temperature oven, TIA Wave Jet microwave, TIA coffemaker & hot & cold water, Seating: Balsa colored edelman leather fully-reclining seating, forward 4-place club, aft 4-place dining/conference opposite 18-inch 2-place club, sheepskin crew seats, Seating: Forward 20-inch 16G 180-degree berthable flight deck seat w/floor storage drawer, fold down hanger, EROS oxygen mask, integrated winged headrests & pneumatic recliner-type leg rests, Sidewalls: Chablis 5222 sidewalls, taupe lower sidewalls, Storage: Forward LS 30-inch entryway closet, entertainment cabinet, storage drawer, crew closet w/manual storage & 115-volt outlets Maintenance, Inspection: RVSM, RNP-10, B-RNAV, MNPS, P-RNAV, AC 90-100A. Aircraft in enrolled on Chapter 5 OCIP inspection program. One corporate owner. C of A issued 03/26/08. WEIGHTS (lbs.): RAMP 42400, LANDING 39300, EMPTY 23865. Aircraft Features Auxiliary Power Unit, Cockpit Voice Recorder, Electronic Flight Instrumentation System (EFIS), Engine Maintenance Program, Inertial Reference System, RVSM, Single-Point Refueling, Terrain Awareness and Warning System, Thrust Reversers, Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS), Windshear Detection Equipment,
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