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More 1986 Gulfstream G-Iii's For Sale, Parts, Repairs, How To Fix, Manuals, Online Store, Videos, Images, Restorations, Shows, Events, Auctions, Classifieds, Clubs, News, Blogs, Forums, Magazines, Die Cast Models
Address: Atlanta, GA
Exterior Color: Matterhorn white w/black, gray & yellow stripes
Engine: Spey MK 511-8 Body Style: Jet
Item Class: Jet Serial Number: III-488
Reg No: N500GF AFTT: 6,732
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Photo #0080343I
Avionics ADF: Dual Collins ADF-60, AFIS: SATAFIS, Altimeter: Dual Honeywell, Autopilot: Sperry SPZ-800 (dual channel), Avionics Package: Dual Sperry EDZ-803 / Pro Line, Communication Radios: Triple Collins VHF-21B w/8.33 spacing, Compass: Airpath magnetic, CVR: Fairchild A100, DME: Dual Collins DME-42, EFIS: Dual Sperry EDZ-803 5-tube EFIS, Flight Director: Dual Sperry EDZ-803 5-tube, Flight Phone: MagnaStar w/triple handsets, FMS: Dual Universal UNS-1C w/GPS (video capable), Hi Frequency: Dual Collins 628T-2A w/Motorola NA-137 SELCAL, IRS: Triple Laseref II, Navigation Radios: Dual Collins VIR-32 w/FM immunity, Radar Altimeter: Dual Collins ALT-55B, RMI: Dual Aeronetics, TAWS: Universal Class A, TCAS: Honeywell CAS-67A TCAS-II w/change 7, Transponder: Dual Honeywell KT-76A Mode S, Weather Radar: Honeywell Primus 800 MDZ-800 color, Addl Cockpit Equipment, General: Universal Class A TAWS, multi-function display, dual Honeywell ADZ-800 air data computers, Honeywell VA-100 voice advisory system, Collins VHF-21B emergency transceiver, Baker M-1045 cockpit audio system, General: Dual Honeywell mach/airspeed indicators, Aeromech standby airspeed indicator, dual Honeywell vertical speed indicators, Aeromech standby altimeter, Artex 406-2 3-frequency ELT, IDC metric altimeter, General: J.E.T. 2-inch emergecy horizon, dual Davtron clocks Equipment, General: Portable emergency oxygen bottle, electronic smoke detector, halon fire extinguisher, pressurized water tanks, aft baggage compartment Exterior, Colors: Matterhorn white w/black, gray & yellow stripes, General: Matterhorn white w/gloss black, medium gray, & chrome yellow accent stripes Interior, Accessories: Stainless steel countertops, gold-plated hardware, Cabinetry: High-gloss bird's-eye maple woodwork, Carpet: Skyscape carpeting, General: G450-Styled interior, Headliner: Light stone headliner, Seating: Pelican leather seating, third crew seat, Sidewalls: Pearl tint lower sidewalls Maintenance, Inspection: RVSM. RNP-4 & RNP-10. B-RNAV. 5000-Landing Airframe Structural Inspection Items (December 2010 By The Maintenance Group, Atlanta, Georgia), 72-Month inspection c/w 12/09 by The Maintenance Group, Atlanta, GA., Inspection: Left engine overhauled at 5898TT. Right engine overhauled at 5866TT. WEIGHTS (lbs.): EMPTY 38455, BOW 38875. Aircraft Features 8.33 channel spacing, Cockpit Voice Recorder, Electronic Flight Instrumentation System (EFIS), FM immunity, Gulfstream 72-Month Inspection (Tail Pull), Gulfstream Computerized Maintenance Program (G-CMP), RVSM, Terrain Awareness and Warning System, Thrust Reversers, Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS), Winglets,
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