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Address: Parsippany, NJ | |
Exterior Color: Matterhorn white w/blue & red stripes |
Engine: Tay MK 611-8 | |
Body Style: Jet | |
Item Class: Jet | |
Serial Number: IV-1477 | |
Reg No: N468AB | |
AFTT: 6,301 | |
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Avionics ADF: Dual Collins ADF-462, AFIS: AlliedSignal SATAFIS, Autopilot: Dual Honeywell SPZ-8400 IFCS, Avionics Package: Dual Honeywell SPZ-8400 IFCS / Pro Line 4, Communication Radios: Triple Collins 422Bw/8.33 spacing, Compass: Dual AHRS, CVR: L3 FA-100, DME: Dual Collins DME-442, FDR: L3 F-1000, Flight Director: Dual Honeywell SPZ-8400 IFCS, Flight Phone: MagnaStar C-2000 w/five handsets, FMS: Dual Honeywell FMZ-800 w/CD-820's, Hi Frequency: Dual Collins HF-9000 Coltech CSD-714 SELCAL, IRS: Triple Honeywell HG-1075, Navigation Radios: Dual VIR-432, Radar Altimeter: Dual Honeywell RT-300, RMI: Dual Aeronetics BDI-303A, SATCOM: Honeywell MCS-7000 w/fax capability, TAWS: AlliedSignal Mark V EGPWS w/windshear & peaks, TCAS: Honeywell TCAS-II w/change 7, Transponder: Dual Collins TDR-94 Mode S w/flight ID, Weather Radar: Honeywell Primus 880, Addl Cockpit Equipment, Crew Accessories: Cockpit printer, LS-800 motion computing electronic flight bags, Jeppesen storage, General: AlliedSignal Mark V EGPWS w/windshear & peaks, Honeywell MCS-7000 SATCOM w/fax capability, dual Honeywell NZ-2000 nav computers w/6.0 software, triple Baker-1045 audio control panels, General: BFGoodrich ADI-335 standby attitude indicator, Honeywell inertial systems w/LASERTRAK, dual Honeywell PZ-810 performance computers w/autothrottles, Honeywell DL-950 data transfer unit, General: Dual Honeywell HG-2021 AB02 GPS sensors, dual Honeywell AZ-810 digital air data computers, dual Collins RTU-4220 radio tuning units, Artex C-406, Rosemount ice detection, flap asymmetry indicator, General: BFGoodrich ADI-355 standby attitude indicator, door seal advanced warning system, Pacific System pushbutton-type switch panels, dual Davtron digital clocks Equipment, General: 460 cubic foot oxygen system w/therapeutic port, spare APU logic control unit in tail compartment, APU alternator electrical loading, dual 11-person life rafts, 21-gallon water system, APU enclosure, Tronair tow bar, Lights: Pulselites Exterior, Colors: Matterhorn white w/blue & red stripes, General: Matterhorn white w/gondola blue & cabernet red stripes Interior, Accessories: Crew lav w/fold-down sink, privacy curtain, corian beige solid surface countertops, aft RS lav w/toilet, sink & vanity w/solid surface top, hinged lav door, gold-plated fixtures & switches, medium gray emergency exit signs, Business Equipment: Fax machine, HP 4315 fax printer, Cabinetry: Fold-out tables, aft fold-open conference table (converts into a double bed), credenza, mixed bird's-eye maple & mahogany medium stain w/high-gloss finish, Carpet: Light beige high density hook & loop carpeting, Entertainment Equipment: Sony CDX-848X CD changer, Sony XR-CA600X AM/FM cassette player, Panasonic DVD-RP-56 DVD player, Entertainment Equipment: Airshow 400 w/cockpit monitor, bulkhead monitor, entertainment system controls, six 5.6-inch fold-out color video monitors, LS bulkhead 17-inch color video monitor, 15-inch monitor, Samsung SV-5000 VCR, Lavatory: Forward crew & aft, Refreshment Equipment: Aft RS crew mini galley w/hot liquid container, small ice drawer, cup holder, trash receptacle & several small condiment storage drawers, Sharp microwave oven, BE Aerospace high-temp oven, Refreshment Equipment: Dual TIA coffeemakers, hot cup, Seating: AMP deluxe fully articulating, berthable w/630-degree rotation, forward 4-place club, LS mid-cabin 2-place club opposite 3-place divan covered in contrasting blue/beige striped fabric, aft 4-place conference group, Seating: Six deluxe AMP chairs w/positions, 3, 4 & 9 w/optional fold-out footrests, trackable pull-out in-flight observation jumpseat, fourth jumpseat, Storage: Class B baggage compartment covered in beige grosspoint fabric, coat closet Maintenance, Inspection: RVSM certified. 12-Month inspection c/w 11/10. 96-Month inspection c/w 08/10. 48-Month detailed Landing Gear inspection is currently in progress as reported 03/23/11. Aircraft Features 8.33 channel spacing, Auxiliary Power Unit, Cockpit Voice Recorder, Flight Data Recorder, Forward Crew Lav, Gulfstream Computerized Maintenance Program (G-CMP), RVSM, SATCOM, Terrain Awareness and Warning System, Thrust Reversers, Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS), Windshear Detection Equipment,
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