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2003 GULFSTREAM G-550.
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$36,995,000.00 $US
Address: Guilford, CT
Exterior Color: Matterhorn white w/blue & gold accent stripes
Engine: BR710C4-11 Body Style: Jet
Item Class: Jet Serial Number: 5005
Reg No: N4CP AFTT: 3,601
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Photo #0080286I
Avionics ADF: Dual Honeywell DF-855, Autopilot: Honeywell PlaneView IFCS, Avionics Package: Honeywell PlaneView IFCS / Primus II, Communication Radios: Dual Honeywell TR-855 w/8.33 kHz spacing, CVR: L3 FA2100, DME: Dual Honeywell DM-855, EFIS: Honeywell PlaneView 4-tube, FDR: L3 FA2100 (72 parameters), Flight Director: Honeywell PlaneView IFCS, Flight Phone: MagnaStar C-2000, FMS: Honeywell PlaneView FMS w/dual 12-channel GPS, Hi Frequency: Dual Collins HF-9000, IRS: Triple Honeywell LASEREF V, Navigation Radios: Dual Honeywell NV-855, Radar Altimeter: Dual Honeywell RT-300, SATCOM: Honeywell MCS-7000, TAWS: Dual EGPWS w/RAAS, TCAS: ACSS RT-951 TCAS-2000, Transponder: Dual Honeywell XS-855 Mode S, Weather Radar: Honeywell Primus 880 color, Addl Cockpit Equipment, Crew Accessories: Dual electronic flight bag's w/XM weather overlay & Bluetooth GPS receivers, General: Dual EGPWS w/RAAS, Honeywell MCS-7000 SATCOM, Honeywell HUD-2020 heads up display, Kollsman enhanced vision system (EVS), triple Honeywell MCDU's, third Honeywell NAV/COMM w/ILS, glideslope & marker beacons, General: Artex 3-frequency ELT w/nav interface, L3 standby flight instruments, Honeywell PlaneView flight guidance computer, dual Honeywell AZ-200 air data modules, Honeywell VHF/SATCOM datalink, General: Honeywell XM weather receiver, Vision Safe EVAS Equipment, General: SecuraPlane 500 aircraft security system, SecuraPlane external camera system Exterior, Colors: Matterhorn white w/blue & gold accent stripes, General: Matterhorn white w/light blue, royal blue & Las Vegas gold accent stripes Interior, Accessories: Mid-cabin pocket door, aft lav w/standard vacuum toilet w/external service capability, manual window shades, Glant St. Rem 9579 creme 01 windowliner, Corian sahara solid surface countertops, Accessories: Charles Starr 2125 plating, aft lav w/standard vacuum toilet & external service capability, Business Equipment: Honeywell HD710 high-speed data system w/EMS CNX200 router/gateway, HP color laser wireless networked printer, Cabinetry: Craig Lumber 8/4 Afromosia hardwood cabinetry, aft Carl Booth veneer Afromosia berthable conference table w/oak burl & metal inlays, Carpet: Scott Group tweed aisle carpeting, Entertainment Equipment: Rockwell Collins advanced cabn management system, 20-inch forward bulkhead monitor, aft LS 15-inch monitor, six 5.6-inch plug-in LCD monitors, Airshow Genesys, dual DVD players, CD player w/AM/FM stereo, General: Original interior with berthing for seven passengers, Headliner: Tapis doe ultrsuede headliner & valance headbumper, Lavatory: Forward crew & aft, Refreshment Equipment: Aft galley w/microwave oven, dual TIA coffeemakers, high-temperature oven & refrigeration cooling unit, Seating: Townsend leather Heritage pebble seats, forward crew rest area w/jumpseat, forwsrd RS 2-place club & LS 4-place divan, mid-cabin 4-place club, aft RS Glant Textiles Kowloon taupe berthable 4-place conference group, Seating: Aft LS 2-place club, Sidewalls: Garret Caressa doe leather lower sidewalls, Storage: Forward closet Maintenance, Inspection: RVSM. 1A inspection due at 4081TT. 1C inspection due 11/30/11. APU 500-Hour Check due at 2710 APU TT., Inspection: WEIGHTS (lbs.): RAMP 85500, MTOW 85100, LANDING 75300, ZFW 54500, BOW 49306, EMPTY 47637. Aircraft Features 8.33 channel spacing, Cockpit Voice Recorder, Enhanced Vision System, Flight Data Recorder, Gulfstream Computerized Maintenance Program (G-CMP), Heads-Up Display, RVSM, SATCOM, Terrain Awareness and Warning System, Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS),
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