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Address: McLean, VA
Exterior Color: Matterhorn white w/red & blue stripes
Engine: BR710A2-20 Body Style: Jet
Item Class: Jet Serial Number: 9064
Reg No: N264A AFTT: 3,213
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Avionics Autopilot: Honeywell Primus 2000XP IFCS, Avionics Package: Honeywell Primus 2000XP IFCS / Primus II, Communication Radios: Triple Honeywell Primus II, CVR: Honeywell CVR, EFIS: Honeywell Primus 2000XP 6-tube, FDR: Honeywell FDR, Flight Director: Honeywell Primus 2000XP IFCS, FMS: Honeywell NZ-2000 w/dual GPS-550, Hi Frequency: Dual Collins HF-9000 w/SELCAL, IRS: Triple Honeywell LASEREF IV, Radar Altimeter: Dual Collins ALT-4000, SATCOM: Honeywell MCS-6000 light phone, SATPHONE: Icarus Sky Connect, TAWS: Honeywell EGPWS w/windshear, TCAS: Honeywell TCAS 2000, Transponder: Mode S w/enhanced surveillance, Weather Radar: Honeywell Primus WU-880 color, Addl Cockpit Equipment, General: Thales heads-up display system, Honeywell AZ-840 micro air data computer, triple Honeywell CD-820 control display unit, General: Thales enhanced vision system, triple Honeywell IC-800 integrated avionics computers Equipment, General: Aerial View Systems color video camera Exterior, Colors: Matterhorn white w/red & blue stripes, General: Exterior in excellent condition as reported 02/25/11 Interior, Accessories: Forward & aft vacuum lav, Cabinetry: Anigre cabinetry & woodwork, forward foldout tables, mid-cabin high/low table opposite credenza & kibitzer, Carpet: Oasis carpeting, Entertainment Equipment: Entertainment system w/DVD/VHS & CD players, triple flat-screen monitors, General: Partial refurbishment in 2004 & 2009, Lavatory: Forward & aft, Refreshment Equipment: Forward galley w/chiller, microwave & convection ovens, sink & coffee service, Seating: Tan fabric & leather seating, forward 2-place crew rest area, four forward berthable executive chairs w/footrests, mid-cabin LS conference group, aft dual LS berthable executive seats w/footrests opposite 3-place divan, Seating: Jumpseat, optional 3-place divan can replace dual aft executive chairs Maintenance, Inspection: One Fortune 500 owner since new. WEIGHTS (lbs.): RAMP 98250, MGTOW 98000, LANDING 78600, ZFW 56000, EMPTY 50542, FUEL 43300. Aircraft Features Engine Maintenance Program, Enhanced Vision System, Heads-Up Display, RVSM, SATCOM, Smart Parts Warranty Program, Terrain Awareness and Warning System, Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS),
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